cGO Competitive robotics based learning platform.© 2013 Jason Berry

Competitive robotics based learning platform.
© 2013 Jason Berry

WIT undergraduate flagship project.

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Lego Mindstorms Software and Virtual Simulators

Hello Jason,
 Here are the tasks that I was required to do in the last 3 weeks.

A- Find lego mindstorms software and virtual simulators that are suitable for primary and secondary students to use.

1-    RobotC software and RVW simulator
-Using C language
-30 days Free trail (499$ life time licence for 30 seats)

 2-      Robo Sim software
-Schulerlabor (German software)

3-     Microsoft VPL software
-Easy to use
-No virtual simulator

4-    LeJos NXJ software and LMS simulator
-Allow to program the NXT
-Can not find a free virtual simulator

5-    nxcEditor
-Only in Linux
- Recommended

B- Can we use standard mindstorms programming language with the RVW environment?

1-    Robotics Academy (FIRE project)                                         
-NXTG (future)
-LabView (future)
-RobotC (already exists)

C- Test and drive the following four movement challenges 
1-Labyrinth Challenge




The four challenges were compiled and tested. The following are the screen shot of the four programs

1-Labyrinth Challenge




Friday, 15 March 2013

"Previous Vision Boards"

Hello folks,

Here are Louise's boards from last year research.

“Vision board“

 “SeGway-Daeeway Haordware and Picobotz Hardware&Software board“

Thursday, 14 March 2013

"Lets make learning a contact sport" ™

cGO  © 2013  Jason Berry
Competitive robotics based learning platform.

WIT undergraduate flagship project.

Thursday, 14 March 2013

"Lets make learning a contact sport" 

This tag line just came to me now , but it encapsulates the ideas behind this research perfectly.

I have been thinking about and working on this concept for a couple of years, Louise did here final year thesis last year on the concept . see link below  to original project flyer

“Design and build an Interactive Robot Game,
for competition based outreach”
Project Overview
Applied Electronics Flagship Project jtb

The idea has come out of lots of work around project based learning and the our concept of flagship projects.

As you now know we love our robots in c33, BENGiE, uGO and AirfFishBowl.
Apart from the main goal of the projects which is to facilitate learning, its has also been about passing it on.

This occurs for example when we have schools into lab to work with robots (Engineering Week) and when we go out and about with Robots i.e Young Scientists.

I never get tired of  watching the enthusiasm, fun and wonder which BENGiE brings out in people of all ages. But I get particularly inspired when I see how kids and young people react around BENGiE.

As you and any Engineer knows these types of projects are only possible, because lots of  Learning and Hard Work has taken place during the lifecycle of the project.

And for hard-work and learning to flourish, people need to be inspired, motivated and enthusiastic.

Trust me this is much easier said than done ;-)

That provides us with the reason for this research, "lets make learning a contact sport".

Competition based learning is a really good idea and I believe that the combination of Programming and Robots with Contact based Competition will inspire lots of learning.

Main requirements for this model.

1.0 Free - Low cost to implement.
Schools do not have budgets for this. Leverage existing technologies and www resources.
This is where lego mindstorms platform and simulators comes in.

2.0 Engineer not required.  
Model should not require an Engineer in the room for learning.

Teachers the experts in facilitating learning are required, not experts in technology, the learners will become the experts in the technology.

3.0 Safe Contact based Competition required
This is simple, schools love to compete against other schools. So SAFE robot wars type format required.
This is a big requirement, and where the darway platform come into its own.

So enough talking for now, lets get this Blog started.

I want you to create a blog entry for the Lego minstorms, Robotc and VRW combination.

Keep moving forward and
kind regards Jason