cGO Competitive robotics based learning platform.© 2013 Jason Berry

Competitive robotics based learning platform.
© 2013 Jason Berry

WIT undergraduate flagship project.

Thursday, 25 April 2013

The space to learn in

This applied research is all the about the learning, how to foster it, so it flourishes.

The project for me is one of the key elements to good learning, another is the space that it occurs in.

I am deeply interested in the learning spaces, and for me if you put a good project in a decent space then learning will flourish.

With this in mind anybody with an interest in learning will enjoy reading the article linked above about inspirational learning spaces, it contains a you tube of  High Tech High and Larry Rosenstock. Inspiring human, he said this .....

"..most memorable learning experience involved project, mentor, community, risk of failure, recognition of success and public exhibition."

Please enjoy

Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Robot App Store

The Robot App Store is a digital application distribution platform for applications for robots opened to the public on late 2011

What is the Best Environment-Language for Teaching Robotics Using Lego MindStorms?

How about that for a question from 2002t.

Open university paper

This is a bit surreal because this paper is co authored by  Tony Hirst, who i looked up on wikipedia.

He was the founder of the Open University Robotics Outreach Group which was responsible for the
iBOTZ range of robotics toys.

This is where the picobotz robot comes from and this is the robot that we used for outreach during engineering week for the last 5-6 years.

This brilliant piece of technology, especially the programming interface. This has been one of my biggest inspirations for robotics based learning and was the platform used in the first iteration of the cGO project, see Louise vision board in early blog. ..full circle..;-)

wired article 2011 on same topic

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Motivational programming video

One of our students in 3rd year (Di), posted this video on a class learning blog.

This is cool and inspirational, they are talking about programming for everybody.

This is what we are about, just add in the physical movement bit of a competitive robot to bring the code to life.

So that learning becomes less abstract and more contact.

Friday, 12 April 2013

primery school groups visiting Electronics Lab

9 Primary school groups visited the Electronics lab yesterday and saw the cGo   © 2013 Jason Berry, uGo and of course BENGiE ! It was fun explaining the 4 steps  in cGo research

Table Bot Programs

These are simple programs where the NXT mindstorms needs to avoid the walls (using ultrasonic sensor) in the first one and in the second one it will need to avoid the balck lines around a table using
the light sensor

Finding Help for Sensors

If you are wonder how to program your NXT sensors in both Virtual and real world, It is better to see some examples that are provided by ROBOTC.

1- Open ROBOTC
2- Click "Help" from top left bar and and then click on "Open online help(Wiki)"
3- Click "NXT"
4- From General information, click on "Sensor Overview"

Then you can find an example for each sensor
Touch Sensor, Light Sensor, Sound Sensor, Ultrasonic (sonar) Sensor

That will save you a lot of Time!

Make sure to know which port is associated with each sensor in both virtual and real testing.

                                                       Virtual World output ports

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Padraig trying ROBOTC and Lego Mindstorms for the first time!

Padraig from Colaiste Eamann Ris Secondary School, Kilkenny is here to visit today the robotics lab in WIT and to do a simple program (Labyrinth Challenge) using ROBOTC with NXT Mindstorms.

He did the program himself and tested it on both Virtual World and NXT Mindstorms in reality.

Screen shots of his program is below.

                                                        Labyrinth Challenge program done by Padraig using ROBOTC software

                                              Testing Labyrinth Challenge program using RVW